Original Articles


Pulmonary hypertension in pregnancy

Nuswil Bernolian, Cindy Kesty, Putri Mirani, Peby Maulina Lestari, Abarham Martadiansyah, Rizky Agustria
Abstract 82 | pdf Downloads 77 | DOI https://doi.org/10.51559/inajperinatol.v5i1.36

Page 29-36

Relationship between total 25(OH)D and interleukin-2 contents in preterm conversion patients

I Nyoman Hariyasa Sanjaya, Ryan Saktika Mulyana, I Gusti Ngurah Agung Trisnu Kamajaya
Abstract 102 | pdf Downloads 71 | DOI https://doi.org/10.51559/inajperinatol.v5i1.37

Page 14-18

The effect of maternal diabetes on the formation of fetal surfactant

I Nyoman Hariyasa Sanjaya, Chatrine Sutandi
Abstract 146 | pdf Downloads 145 | DOI https://doi.org/10.51559/inajperinatol.v5i1.42

Page 1-8

The Role of Cytokines, Hormones, and Cellular Regulation in Improving Maternal and Fetal Well-Being

I Nyoman Hariyasa Sanjaya, Chatrine Sutandi, Fetrisya Syauta
Abstract 88 | pdf Downloads 75 | DOI https://doi.org/10.51559/inajperinatol.v5i1.51

Page 34-71

Various birth techniques: home birth, water birth, lotus birth, hypno birth, and birth position

I Gde Sastra Winata, Daniel Victor Harrista, William Alexander Setiawan
Abstract 406 | pdf Downloads 291 | DOI https://doi.org/10.51559/inajperinatol.v5i1.52

Page 19-28